Thursday, 19 April 2007

South Korean Christian Suicide Terrorist Cho Seung-Hui Guns Down 32 in the name of Jesus

South Korean churchgoer Cho Seung-Hui terrorised the campus of Virginia Tech, USA, and gunned down 32 of the students and staff alike before killing himself. In an attempt to cover-up his motives for such a massacre, Larry Hincker, a university spokesman made out that : “He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him,”

No reasonable person can possibly believe that a pro-zionist police state like the USA is finding it very hard to obtain information on Cho Seung-Hui. In fact, all information is in government records and on file before he was admitted at the university.

Although Cho Seung-Hui and his family are described as churchgoers, the Church they go to has not been identified and no one is talking about interviewing his Priest and whether he kept a Bible in his room. If he were a Muslim, all hell would have broken loose, a Koran would have been found in his room, and links with so-called fanatics, extremists and the non-existent ‘Al-Qaida’ would have been swiftly found with justification to bomb and invade an ‘unfriendly’ country and arrest Muslims at home. But, in this case, the authorities prefer to call him “twisted”, a “troubled loner”, “insane”, with “grievances” against the university, which are all sheer fabrication laid bare in the Jewish-controlled media all over the USA in order to distract people from the real problem. They ‘know’ all this about him after claiming ‘difficulty’ in finding information about him.

Of all the victims of Cho Seung-Hui terror, that media only finds one lonely “brave” person, 76 year old Jewish Rumanian Professor Liviu Librescu who was also shot dead, and whom they referred to as a ‘holocaust survivor’. I wonder what sort of survivors are those who escaped the bullets of Cho Seung-Hui !

The indications are that the South Korean Cho Seung-Hui had a grudge against the United States and the South Korean government. He is against the occupation of South Korea by American terrorists who are manipulating the South Korean puppet government. He wants Americans out of South Korea and he is for its unification with North Korea. He is well-trained in the Japanese suicide (kamikaze) techniques, and finds American Universities as accomplices to the American racist politics of terror and occupation because their books are controlled by Zionists and they feed people with lies. He did not have any specific grievances against the Virginia Tech as the Jewish-controlled press is reporting. It appears that his mind was already made up before he joined the university. He would have done the same in any University he would have joined.

Excerpts from Cho Seung-Hui’s video (Added 19/04/07):

“You just loved to crucify me. You loved inducing cancer in my head, terror in my heart and ripping my soul all this time.”
"You have vandalized my heart, raped my soul and torched my conscience. You thought it was one pathetic boy's life you were extinguishing. Thanks to you, I die like Jesus Christ, to inspire generations of the weak and the defenseless people."

The USA is an ‘État de Droit’ where every person has the right to possess a gun. This is guaranteed under the American constitution. It was therefore easy for the churchgoer Cho Seung-Hui to buy a gun and ammunition and go on his killing spree. This killing culture is at the heart of American society which is built upon the killing of Indians. In fact, the laws allowing guns were originally for the purpose of killing Indians. American foreign policy is no different. They support Jewish terror in Palestine, and they are in occupation of countries such as Iraq & Afghanistan where they are killing people in the same way in their own countries. Also remember Vietnam. Cho Seung-Hui is merely following the gun-ho footsteps of George Bush and its allies, something which everyone must condemn.

Paul Lam Shang Leen twisted decisions & Cho Seung-Hui twisted mind

Mauritians must be very careful about the use of this elusive term ‘Ètat de Droit’, which means everything and nothing. This has been evoked in the context of anti-Muslim Paul Lam Shang Leen’s judgment declaring the Azaan (the call for prayer for Muslims) through loudspeakers unlawful, and, in a separate case, declaring the election of Ashock Jugnauth at the 2005 general elections as being corrupt and unlawful because he promised Muslims a cemetery to bury their dead. What is an ‘État de Droit’ for Mauritius is not so for Arabia or the United States. The American Gun Laws (or laws on sodomy or homosexuality) do not form part of the laws of Mauritius. This is not an ‘État de Droit’ which Mauritius wants. In Mauritius, protests may be called ‘illegal’ but in France protests are the citizen’s fundamental right and no permission is needed from anyone. A citizen who exercises the right of protest cannot be regarded as indulging in any illegal activity, whatever this ‘law’ may say. Declaring protests illegal, such as the protests against Lam shang Leen’s judgment, is a feature of tyranny.

Paul Lam Shang Leen’s judgment against the Azaan is both racist and designed to stab every Muslim in the heart thus causing social unrest in the country, but people should not allow themselves to be provoked and should campaign for the laws to be changed for their own protection. The Mauritian government must not regard their protests as unlawful. Similarly, the terrorist Cho Seung-Hui killed so many innocent people to provoke a social backlash, but people should not allow him to succeed in his sinister action. They must protest and campaign for those terrorist Gun Laws to be changed for their own protection. Through his bias against Muslims, Lam Shang Leen has made Muslims feel insecure in Mauritius while, through his hate of American policies, Cho Seung-Hui has made every Chinese looking person feel insecure in the USA.

Yacoob Azan
California, USA / 18 April 2007

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