Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Prison sentence for criticising controversial Judge Paul Lam Shang Leen

Judge Paul Lam Shang Leen is a well-known controversial judge Mauritian judge. He is believed to be a very bias and prejudiced judge, and many people want him to resign in the interests of justice.

Jean Francois Blais is an aggrieved party who claims that Lam Shang Leen manipulated the case brought by his mother against Coomarduth Dewokee, and he wrote to the judge in person and to other personalities, including the President and the Prime Minister.

Mr Blais's criticisms were considered as an attempt to discredit Lam Shang Leen, and the DPP brought a case against him. The case was heard by Mrs Judge Balgobin who judged that Mr Blais was trying, not to criticise the Judge for his behaviour which he felt was manipulative and against the interests of justice, but to "discredit" him, and sentenced Mr Blais to four months imprisonment.

This judgement tells us that Mauritius is fast becoming a dictatorial state as the judiciary does not allow the people to criticise judges. Lam Shang Leen is infamous for deciding against a party and work the facts backwards to 'fit' his 'judgement'. The case of the Azaan is a perfect example of that. He even went to the extent, as a non-Muslim, to tell Muslims what is and what is not important for their prayers.

The Mauritian appeal judges are the same judges who decide in the first instance. Lam Shang Leen also sits in the Appeal Court. People cannot afford expensive appeals to the Privy Council. Most of those who appeal the the Privy Council win their cases, proving that there is no justice in Mauritius.

Politicians must ensure that judges can render justice, and must pass laws to allow people to criticise them. Judges stick for one other.

Find below the article from the Mauritian newspaper l'Express of 6th August 2007. I am sure people will agree that Paul lam Shang Leen must resign.

My feeling is that Jean Francois Blais is a Creole. If he were a Blanc, Judge Balgobin would most probably have put her tail between her legs, and interpreted the facts differently. Judge Balgobin should not have heard the case; it should have been left to a foreign judge or the case should have been heard by a jury.

Yacoob Azan

Quatre mois de prison pour calomnies contre un juge

Quatre mois de prison pour avoir voulu discréditer un juge, scandalisant, ce faisant, la Cour suprême. Voilà la peine dont a écopé Jean François Blais. Cet homme avait adressé une lettre au juge Paul Lam Shang Leen, dans laquelle il avait fait des allégations malveillantes contre lui. Lettre dont une copie avait aussi été envoyée à plusieurs personnalités du pays, dont le président de la République et le Premier ministre.

La mère de Blais avait intenté un procès à un dénommé Coomarduth Dewokee. Et Jean François Blais accuse le juge Lam Shang Leen d’avoir manipulé le déroulement du procès en question. Pour la juge Premila Balgobin, ces allégations sont fausses, gratuites et sans fondement. Leur but, estime-t-elle, est de discréditer le juge Lam Shang Leen.

Il est d’ailleurs à souligner que ce n’est pas la première fois que Blais adresse des lettres contenant de fausses allégations contre des juges. Il a admis avoir envoyé huit lettres de cette nature, dont celle écrite le 16 mai 2007 pour réclamer la démission du juge Lam Shang Leen.

La juge Balgobin s’est, en outre, dite étonnée par l’attitude de Blais. Ce dernier n’a montré aucun signe de remords en Cour. Il a écopé d’une peine de quatre mois de prison. Le Directeur des poursuites publiques était représenté par Me Iqbal Maghooa, Assistant Parliamentary Counsel, dans cette affaire.

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